51 pages 1 hour read

Gordon Korman

Jake, Reinvented

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2003

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Chapters 8-11

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 8 Summary

Content Warning: This section of the guide discusses abortion.

Every day for a week Rick expects to hear the news that Didi has dumped Todd for Jake. He anticipates the excited buzz at school, which he equates to the time that a classmate got pregnant and had an abortion. Despite Rick’s anticipation, Didi does not break up with Todd. Todd continues to carry himself arrogantly around school, sure that the college football scouts will soon come to watch him play.

When Rick tracks Jake down to talk, Rick discovers that Jake is in all advanced placement classes. Jake seems embarrassed about this and says it is “debatable” when Rick suggests that there’s no crime in being smart. Jake tells Rick that Didi has been coming over to his house regularly.

Rick, Jake, and Todd attend a pep rally for their football team. Dipsy is the most vocal of the team’s supporters, which surprises Rick, since Dipsy is otherwise reserved. Rick isn’t sure if Dipsy is serious in his support or doing it ironically. Didi attends the pep rally to support Todd. She hangs all over him like “the perfect quarterback’s trophy girl” (67). Jake is crushed, since Didi spent all week with him.