62 pages 2 hours read

Isabel Allende

Island Beneath the Sea

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2009

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Part 2, Chapters 56-72

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2: “Louisiana (1793-1810)”

Part 2, Chapter 56 Summary: “The Politics of the Day”

In 1801, Bonaparte sends 17,000 soldiers under the command of his brother-in-law, General Leclerc, to reinstate slavery in Saint-Domingue. Although thousands of soldiers die of disease or in battle, they manage to capture Toussaint, who is sent to France, where he dies in captivity. However, the rebels continue to fight under Toussaint’s successor, General Dessalines.

Shortly after arriving in New Orleans, Dr. Parmentier delivers Gambo’s message to Tété. Later, after Toussaint’s death, the doctor shares his belief that Gambo died trying to protect Toussaint. Accepting Gambo’s death, Tété allows herself to fall in love with Zacharie.

At Dr. Parmentier’s suggestion, Tété begins producing some of Tante Rose’s medicines and selling them to him as a subset of Loula’s business.

Part 2, Chapter 57 Summary: “The Americans”

The inhabitants of Louisiana are shocked and dismayed when, days after celebrating the colony’s transfer from Spain to France, news arrives that the colony has been sold to the United States.

The same month, December 1803, Haiti declares independence from France. As a result, refugees pour into New Orleans, and the new governor struggles to address the arising issues. In light of these changes, Violette and Loula wonder how best to secure their financial future.