105 pages 3 hours read

Cornelia Funke


Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2003

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Chapters 21-30

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 21 Summary: “Basta”

The group stops to rest in a partially caved-in old villa in the forest. Elinor sleeps, but Meggie feels uneasy. She goes to sit with her father and eventually sleeps. Mo wakes her abruptly, covering her mouth to keep her quiet; Basta and Flatnose are approaching with dogs. The dogs lead the men toward where Mo, Dustfinger, Elinor, and Farid are hiding. Mo jumps out from his hiding place and tries to wrestle Basta’s gun from him. The dogs lunge threateningly at Mo and one bites him on the arm before Dustfinger grabs them. Farid throws a rock at Flatnose’s head, knocking him unconscious. Elinor manages to get Flatnose’s gun from him and points it at Basta’s chest. Basta lowers his own gun, which he was pointing at Mo.

The group ties Flatnose and Basta up. Dustfinger takes the superstitious Basta’s lucky amulet as revenge for when Basta cut up his face, which is why Dustfinger has scars. They then trek through the wilderness until they reach the outskirts of a town. They can see the ocean in the distance.