105 pages 3 hours read

Cornelia Funke


Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2003

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student engagement.

Chapters 11-20

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 11 Summary: “A Coward”

Dustfinger slips into Meggie’s room as she sleeps and thinks about how he regrets that he likes Meggie, as it is an “obstacle.” Meggie looks like someone familiar to Dustfinger, and he laments that she, rightfully, doesn’t trust him the way she trusts Mo. He looks at a book in Meggie’s book box “[w]ith its silvery green binding” (98) and tries to read it, but abruptly stops himself. He reflects that he feels cowardly for being unable to finish reading and leaves the room.

Chapter 12 Summary: “Going Farther South”

Elinor and Dustfinger inspect a map; Elinor demands to be shown where Mo is. Meggie reminds Dustfinger that he initially told Mo that Capricorn was in the north, when he is now suggesting that Capricorn is in the south. Dustfinger defensively explains that Capricorn has numerous hideouts, but he is evasive and won’t answer further questions.

Elinor hides Inkheart beneath the spare tire of Elinor’s car, warning Meggie not to tell Dustfinger where it is. The three set off.

Chapter 13 Summary: “Capricorn’s Village”

They drive for hours. Meggie watches Dustfinger, who sometimes looks absent and sometimes looks very sad. Elinor talks occasionally about the ruins of castles they pass.