105 pages 3 hours read

Cornelia Funke


Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2003

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student engagement.

Chapters 1-10

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 1 Summary: “A Stranger in the Night”

Twelve-year-old Meggie Folchart lives with her father, Mortimer “Mo” Folchart, in a book-cluttered home. Meggie reads a book in bed; the rain is keeping her awake. Meggie looks out at the dark, rainy garden outside and sees a man looking at the house. She tells her father.

Mo lets the man, whom he calls Dustfinger, into the house. Dustfinger has a scarred face and long, fair hair. Mo sends Meggie to bed, but she listens outside the door to Dustfinger warning Mo that “Capricorn” and his men will arrive soon. Dustfinger refers to something that Capricorn wants. Mo tells Dustfinger to come back the next afternoon, after Meggie has returned home from school.

Mo comes to check on Meggie, but he will not clarify who Capricorn is, why Dustfinger is called Dustfinger, or why Dustfinger calls Mo “Silvertongue.”

Chapter 2 Summary: “Secrets”

Meggie wakes up to an early alarm and sees Mo packing a bag for her. Mo explains that they are going to her great-aunt Elinor’s place; Mo is a book binder, and Elinor needs books repaired. Meggie senses that he is not being completely honest. She packs books into her book box to take with them.