45 pages 1 hour read

Isabel Allende

In the Midst of Winter

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2017

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Chapters 19-21

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 19 Summary

When Pablo died, Anita became inconsolable and her mental health deteriorated. Anita’s family took her to see Maria Batista, a lyalorixa, or spiritual woman, who advised Anita, “Your boy is in heaven and you are in hell. Come back to the world” (246). She also advised Anita’s family to let grief run its course, though there seemed to be no hope for improvement.

Meanwhile, Richard’s relationship with Anita also suffered as his wife grew distant with mourning. Richard began to frequent bars all the time, spending many nights with a woman he named Garota because he did not know her real name or identity. He would drink so much with her that he would wake up in her apartment, not remembering how he got there.

One day, as he was rushing to drive home from Garota’s apartment, Bibi ran to greet him from his home. As he did not see her, he ran her over with his car. When the maid screamed, he realized that he had caused a tragic accident. Anita witnessed the event from her window and the sight of her last child dying destroyed her. Anita was taken to a psychiatric hospital and received electroshock therapy to move her out of her paralysis.