88 pages 2 hours read

Truman Capote

In Cold Blood

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 1965

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Part 3

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 3 Summary: “Answer”

On November 17, 1959, Floyd Wells hears a radio report about the Clutter murders. While sharing a cell with Dick, Wells mentioned that he worked for Mr. Clutter. Afterwards, Dick told Wells about his plans to kill the Clutters and break into the safe that Wells mistakenly said was in Clutter’s home office. Wells tells his story to a warden who relays the information to Dewey.

Dewey’s assistant Nye visits Dick’s parents under the pretense of investigating Dick’s check fraud. Dick’s father, Walter Hickock, explains that Dick’s life unraveled after marrying at 19 and accruing massive debt. His life further deteriorated when Dick suffered a concussion in a car crash. Nye also confirms the details of Dick and Perry’s alibi—a supposed trip to Fort Scott—and notes a shotgun that belongs to Dick.

Meanwhile, Perry and Dick hitchhike to Nebraska, where they once again try to rob and murder a driver.

Nye travels to a rundown apartment building in Las Vegas and confirms that Perry stayed there from late October through mid-November. After trying and failing to locate Perry’s father in Reno, Nye goes to San Francisco to speak to his sister Barbara, who says she hasn’t spoken to Perry in years.