57 pages 1 hour read

Lois Duncan

I Know What You Did Last Summer

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1973

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Chapters 11-14

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 11 Summary

Ray drives Julie to Helen’s apartment. Ray is impressed with the building and the interior. Elsa, Helen’s sister, is there with Helen. Ray immediately dislikes her. When Julie says they can’t stay long, Elsa gets up to leave, mentioning that Barry’s shooting was shocking and she wanted to check on Helen. Helen ushers Elsa out while Elsa asks if Helen wants to stay with their parents for a while to recover from the trauma of the shooting. Helen declines, and Elsa leaves.

After Elsa leaves, Helen thanks Julie and Ray for interrupting and getting Elsa out of the apartment because Elsa was asking disturbing questions and seemed to enjoy Helen’s discomfort. Helen admits she hasn’t seen Barry, and his parents think she called him. Ray tells Helen about the newspaper clipping he was mailed. After learning that Helen didn’t call Barry, Julie is convinced that the shooting is connected to the letter. However, she doesn’t believe it is someone from Daniel’s family.

Julie and Helen argue whether Barry has enemies. Ray suggests they go to the police if they agree to dissolve the pact, but Helen doesn’t want Barry to go to prison. Ray offers to call Barry’s parents to find out who called him.