67 pages 2 hours read

Rick Riordan

The House of Hades

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2013

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Chapters 49-56

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 49 Summary: “Leo”

Leo regains consciousness as he falls through the clouds with a hazy memory of Khione taunting him. He sees a tiny island in the ocean and realizes he will crash land in the water. Still holding the Archimedes sphere, he pulls things from his toolbelt and constructs a makeshift personal helicopter that explodes and flings him onto the island. Leo staggers across the beach until he finds the sphere on top of a smashed dining table. When he grabs it, a beautiful girl starts yelling that he blew up her dining table. Leo is annoyed because he didn’t mean to crash out of the sky. She tells the gods to take him back.

She leads Leo across the beach complaining that he ruined the table. He crashes into her when she stops while he’s wondering where the one footpath leads. He’s supposed to say he wants to leave Ogygia, and a raft will appear to take him wherever he wants. He tries, but no magical raft appears. She yells at the sky and disappears down the path. Leo follows.