67 pages 2 hours read

Rick Riordan

The House of Hades

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2013

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Chapters 33-40

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 33 Summary: “Jason”

Jason kills the last wind spirits attacking the ship but forgets to hold his breath, so he blacks out into a dream. He sees his old comrades from Camp Jupiter, including Octavian and Reyna, on the roof of a Manhattan building. Grover the satyr and Rachel the Oracle of Delphi join them. Rachel has a message from Annabeth for Reyna, who is shocked that Annabeth wants her to bring the Athena Parthenos to Camp Half-Blood to prevent war. Reyna considers it while Octavian insists it's a Greek trick. Reyna decides to go and calls for her Pegasus, but she hasn’t forgotten the Greeks declared war first. Rachel and Grover leave as Octavian questions Reyna. She says it’s in the best interest of Rome, and she knows where to find Jason. Jason remembers a conversation with Reyna and knows what she’s talking about. Octavian says the Greeks sent the Kerkopes who have been terrorizing them and this is another trick. Reyna tells him not to attack Camp Half-Blood until she returns. She leaves, and Octavian tells the others there’s been a change of plans. Jason hears Piper tell him to wake up and sees the ocean hurtling toward him.