69 pages 2 hours read

Walter Dean Myers


Fiction | Book | Middle Grade | Published in 1981

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Chapters 1-2

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 1 Summary

Lonnie Jackson is a teenager living with his mother in Harlem, New York. The novel opens on Lonnie’s reflections about how his life changed after his father left. In the present day, Lonnie works part-time at the Grant, a small hotel. He also stays there sometimes when he gets into conflicts with his mother.

One afternoon, after an argument with his mother, Lonnie goes over to his job at the Grant, where he seizes an opportunity to steal a case of Scotch out of an open liquor truck. After stashing the box under his bed, Lonnie takes a nap. That night, Lonnie goes down to the basketball court, where he encounters a strange drunk man who sings a taunting song at Lonnie then challenges Lonnie to “put [him] off the court, youngblood” (8).

The next day, Lonnie goes over to Paul and Mary-Ann’s house. Paul is his longtime friend, and Lonnie is romantically involved with Mary-Ann, who recently got a job at an after-hours club. As a sixteen-year-old, Mary-Ann is just in charge of inventory, but her mother frequently yells at her about becoming “a tramp” (11). Lonnie comforts Mary-Ann and they talk about plans for after work.