79 pages 2 hours read

Jack Gantos

Hole In My Life

Nonfiction | Autobiography / Memoir | Adult | Published in 2002

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Part 3, Chapters 3-4

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 3, Chapter 3 Summary: “A Long, Long Day”

Gantos goes on trial for his crimes. Tepper presents the evidence previously known to Gantos, and the judge asks Gantos if he feels bad about committing the crime or if he simply regrets getting caught, to which Gantos expresses remorse for committing the crime. However, Tepper shows the ship’s log entry where Gantos states, “Hamilton has read my mind—I’m not doing anything wrong. I’m just afraid of punishment” (144). This entry turns out to be particular damning, and the judge sentences Gantos to prison: two months to six years. In addition, Gantos’ father informs him that he destroyed Gantos’ beloved car for the insurance money. After he signs the insurance papers, Gantos is taken to the holding prison on West Street and is reunited with Lucas. Gantos is forced to dodge an inmate requesting sex from him. Though Gantos reaches his destination physically unscathed, inmates gang-rape Lucas at West Street.

Part 3, Chapter 4 Summary: “My Yellow Cell”

Upon arrival at Ashland Federal Prison in Kentucky, the physician’s assistant quarantines Gantos due to lice infestation. For this, Gantos is grateful, as it keeps him in a cell away from the general prison population. Gantos receives books and some paper to write with, using his time in solitary to commit himself to nonfiction writing.