79 pages 2 hours read

Jack Gantos

Hole In My Life

Nonfiction | Autobiography / Memoir | Adult | Published in 2002

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Part 3, Chapters 1-2

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 3, Chapter 1 Summary: “Evidence”

Gantos receives a call from his father, informing Gantos that he must turn himself in. Gantos’ father secures his son a lawyer, Al. E. Newman. Upon returning to New York City, Gantos meets with his lawyer, who remains confident that Gantos’ age and part in the crime will provide leniency, in regard to sentencing. Gantos and Newman soon realize, however, that is not the case; the District Attorney, Tepper, in a meeting with Gantos and his lawyer, reveals that Hamilton, Rik, and the parties they sold drugs to are in custody and have provided evidence against Gantos. In addition, Tepper, provides pictures of Gantos unloading hash from the boat. Upon reflection, Gantos states, “I didn’t feel so guilty as stupid” (130). He recalls the words of his boarding home owner warning him of the dangers of a life squandered to drugs, alcohol, and lack of accountability. The chapter ends with Newman reassuring Gantos that he’ll likely escape major jail time, albeit with less certainty than before the meeting with DA Tepper