72 pages 2 hours read

Adam Silvera

History is All You Left Me

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2017

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Chapters 24-27

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 24 Summary: “History”

“Wednesday, February 10th, 2016”

Griffin decides he won’t see Theo while he’s in town because Jackson came with him. Wade tries to convince Griffin to celebrate Theo’s birthday anyway, but Griffin won’t budge. Wade reminds Griffin that Griffin broke up with Theo. Griffin is still mad that Theo moved on so quickly. Wade reminds Griffin that Griffin and Theo said their breakup wouldn’t hurt the squad. Griffin doesn’t care. Wade still plans to go tonight.

Griffin calls Theo later while looking at the puzzle portrait Wade made. Theo asks if they’ll hang out tomorrow. Griffin considers it until he hears Jackson and Theo’s mother laughing in the background. He cuts the call short.

“Tuesday, May 17th, 2016”

It’s late at night on Griffin’s birthday. Theo hasn’t called, but he’s posted a photo of himself and Jackson on Instagram. Griffin knows this isn’t Theo getting revenge for Griffin missing Theo’s birthday because they’ve talked through that. Theo’s gift arrived in the mail today. Wade, who brought Griffin cupcakes, encourages Griffin to open Theo’s present before his birthday ends. He leaves to give Griffin privacy.

Inside is a pair of boots and a thoughtful card warning Griffin to wear them for the apocalypse. Griffin loves them, but he questions his ability to trust Theo in the apocalypse if Theo can’t call on his birthday.