72 pages 2 hours read

Adam Silvera

History is All You Left Me

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2017

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Chapters 10-15

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 10 Summary: “History”

“Thursday, July 17th, 2014”

After a day at the park, Griffin and Theo drag Wade with them to buy condoms for the first time. They make jokes about the different kinds of condoms on the shelves. Wade joins in on the fun. As they wait in the checkout line, Griffin is anxious. He reasons with himself that buying condoms is legal and normal, but his thoughts are interrupted when his dad catches him.

Wade watches, amused. Griffin’s dad remarks that protection is good. Griffin discards the condoms in a candy display and tells his dad to forget this ever happened. He tries to leave, but his dad blocks him and suggests they have a conversation about this.

Griffin’s dad, Griffin, and Theo move to an empty aisle. Griffin’s dad awkwardly asks if they’re considering sex or have had sex already. The boys admit they’ve had sex. Griffin’s dad says he’s glad they did so with people they care about. He says he’s been researching about gay sexual relationships and asks they come to him if they have any questions. Griffin is mortified. Griffin’s dad pays for the condoms. He gives them to the boys outside and says he’ll see Griffin back at home.