51 pages 1 hour read

Adam Grant

Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 2023

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Redefining Potential: From Innate Talent to Developed Skill

At the heart of Hidden Potential is its challenge of the traditional notion of potential as something fixed and innate. It advocates instead for a view of potential as something that can be developed through effort, learning, and support. This major theme runs throughout the book, supported by Grant’s research and real-life examples which demonstrate that greatness is not predetermined by natural talent alone but is cultivated through dedication and the right opportunities.

In establishing his theme, Grant discusses how societal perceptions of talent often lead to the misconception that success is primarily a result of inherent ability. He argues that this view overlooks the importance of factors such as hard work, persistence, and the support systems that enable individuals to develop their skills. For instance, the book highlights the story of NFL player Tom Brady, who was not initially recognized for his athletic prowess but went on to become one of the greatest quarterbacks in football history through relentless training and mental fortitude.

The book also explores the concept of “deliberate practice,” a term popularized by psychologist K. Anders Ericsson. Deliberate practice involves focused, structured, and purposeful training aimed at improving performance. Grant emphasizes that individuals who engage in deliberate practice, even if they start with less natural talent, can achieve remarkable levels of skill and success.