34 pages 1 hour read

Sharon Creech


Fiction | Novel/Book in Verse | Middle Grade | Published in 2004

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Pages 101-117

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Pages 101-117 Summary

Annie goes with her parents to visit the birthing center where her mother will give birth. Unlike a hospital birth, the delivery will be managed by midwives, and both Annie and her father can be present the entire time. Though her mother is confident in the birth plan, Annie thinks that her father feels worried. She considers that they are excited, but nervous, and she needs to be brave for her mother and her new sibling.

After a run, Annie comes home to find her apple missing. She discovers it in her grandfather's room, with a bite taken out. Clearly unable to remember the importance of the apple, her grandfather tells her that he was saving the rest for later. Annie is upset at first, but then realizes that she can now draw the apple with one bite missing, and then with two bites, and so on. She also realizes that she can draw the apple from memory. Annie’s art teacher hangs up ten of each student’s favorite apple drawings all over the classroom. Annie realizes how distinctive everyone’s drawings are, and how much there is to see in them. She also realizes that she will be sad when she finishes the assignment.