44 pages 1 hour read

Sharon Creech

Hate That Cat

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2008

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Symbols & Motifs

Skitter McKitter

Jack’s new kitten, Skitter McKitter, is a symbol of hope and love. Skitter helps him to move forward, heal, and embrace love again after the death of his dog, Sky. Although Jack initially claims he does not want another pet because of the disastrous events that could befall the animal—and thereby cause Jack more pain and grief—once Skitter arrives on Christmas, Jack immediately begins to love her. His response to Skitter makes it clear that it’s not pets he’s trying to avoid; he wants to avoid further heartache.

Jack’s January 8 poem, “So Much,” which is inspired by Williams’s “The Red Wheelbarrow,” reveals how Jack sees Skitter as a symbol of hope. In his five-line verse, Jack states that “So much depends upon” this little black kitten, who sits beside a photograph of his dog, Sky (61). Putting the two together in this tableau demonstrates that Jack realizes the kitten’s significant emotional importance and the second chance the animal presents. Jack has loved and lost a pet in the past, which makes him hesitant to take a risk and love again. Jack’s emotional vulnerability and his willingness to love again depend upon this kitten.