44 pages 1 hour read

Sharon Creech

Hate That Cat

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2008

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“Some of the Poems Used by Miss Stretchberry”

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

“Some of the Poems Used by Miss Stretchberry” Summary

This final section of the text includes 12 of the poems, or excerpts from poems, that Miss Stretchberry uses in her class. Ten of them are poems by famous poets, including T. S. Eliot, Tennyson, Myers, and Poe, among others, and they inspire Jack and his writing; two of the poems are written by Jack himself. The inclusion of Jack’s poems alongside the work of other more famous poets shows that, in Miss Stretchberry’s class, Jack’s poems are read and analyzed with the same degree of care as the more well-known poems receive.