78 pages 2 hours read

Gary Paulsen

Harris and Me: A Summer Remembered

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1993

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Chapters 4-6

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 4 Summary: “In which war is declared and honor established”

Chapter four opens as Harris proposes that he and the protagonist play war with the pigs by pretending they are “commie japs” and sneaking up on them. Harris explains that he overheard Louie use the term in reference to enemies in the war that Louie nearly fought in. Even though Harris has long since made his lack of couth or concern for his language known, it still takes the protagonist aback to hear Harris use the term. Harris and the protagonist grab a couple of boards and, pretending they are guns, they approach the pig pens. At this moment, the protagonist proclaims in his mind that “whatever Harris did [he] would back him up” (27) and that he was “ready for anything” (27). This is a pivotal moment in the friendship between the two boys, and loyalty between them is official now.

As the two boys jump on top of the pigs, wailing and screaming, the pigs become frantic, and chaos ensues. Pig excrement is everywhere, and Harris and the protagonist are pummeled and tossed around. They escape and make their way to the river to wash off, and Harris begins laughing at the way the pig named Minnie reacted to the protagonist leaping on top of her.