54 pages 1 hour read

James Baldwin

Giovanni's Room

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1956

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Part 1, Chapter 2

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 1, Chapter 2 Summary

David first meets Giovanni after being thrown out of his hotel. With his father refusing to send money over, David seeks out an older Belgian-American acquaintance named Jacques because he is rich. David knows how to manipulate the man’s generosity and attraction for younger men. Jacques gives David 10,000 francs at a fancy restaurant before they go to Jacques’s favorite gay bar. David watches the regular customers, judging their appearances and behaviors; he especially condemns “les folles”—drag queens who loudly brag about their sexual affairs. David evinces a tolerance towards the community to hold himself at a distance from their sexuality, but he knows the regulars are waiting for his façade to fall. David and Jacques notice a new barman and recent Italian émigré, Giovanni. Jacques is instantly attracted to him.

Jacques tries to strike up a conversation with Giovanni, but it fizzles out until he convinces David to order Giovanni a drink on his behalf. The bar’s owner, Guillaume, tears Jacques away from the bar, leaving David alone with Giovanni. The two speak at length about Paris and New York and the differences between the American and European philosophies on time, life, death, and love.