53 pages 1 hour read

Louise Erdrich

Future Home of the Living God

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2017

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Part 3, October 26-December 25

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 3, October 26 Summary

Cedar is now back on the reservation. She attends a crowded tribal council meeting led by Eddy, who uses a map to display the land which the United States government seized from the Ojibwe. He is leading efforts to reclaim the land for his people, and most of the occupants have already “removed themselves” (136) from the area. The new tribal council has started its own government and police force, though Eddy concedes there has been conflict.

Part 3, October 28 Summary

Cedar shares a room with Little Mary, who quizzes her about the baby. When Little Mary asks about Phil, Cedar is hit by a “wave of feeling” (138). She describes Phil in detail, though she does not know whether he is alive. As she talks, she feels as though “a presence” (138) visits her and casts a protective shadow over her.

Part 3, November 1 Summary

Mary Potts wakes Cedar, who tells her mother that she wants to stay on the reservation rather than travel further north to Canada. Sera is concerned by her daughter’s desire to remain on the reservation. Mary and Cedar sit on the porch and talk about how Mary gave up Cedar for adoption.