93 pages 3 hours read

Neal Shusterman

Full Tilt

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2003

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Chapters 9-10

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 9 Summary

Blake approaches the next ride, which resembles the Kamikaze coaster in all ways but two: Each car only holds one rider, and the first hill reaches high into the clouds. He boards the front car of the ride, finding that his safety bar won’t latch. The coaster ascends the first hill, which takes Blake and the other riders high above the clouds. As it plummets down the hill, Blake’s car turns into a Japanese kamikaze aircraft. The others behind him do the same.


The squadron of planes nearly collides with an American battleship, but Blake takes control of his plane and pulls away. The other planes follow suit—Blake is the squadron leader. Though his plane constantly forces itself to dive into the ship, Blake learns to steer it. An American plane appears and shoots down one of the other rides. Cassandra pilots the plane. Blake and Cassandra engage in a dogfight, in which Blake’s plane is damaged. As he spirals toward the sea, Blake spots a console button with the spiral logo. He presses it, and the plane ejects him through a hole that opens in the sky above him.