93 pages 3 hours read

Neal Shusterman

Full Tilt

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2003

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Chapters 7-8

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 7 Summary

Blake finds a swinging boat ride in a large warehouse. The building fills with water, and a large wave breaks through its windows. The wave pushes Blake toward the ride, which becomes an actual ship on a rough sea. Blake pulls himself onto the deck. He sees other riders excitedly climbing the ropes of the ship’s mast. The ship’s captain appears and begins to yell about a giant whale that circles the ship. The captain resembles Carl, his mother’s fiancé. The whale breaches and Blake notices that its eyes are the same as his mother’s. As Carl directs the ship toward a nearby reef, Blake spots Quinn climbing the mast.

Blake climbs toward Quinn. Blake pulls him from the mast, and they topple onto the deck. Blake spots a hatch there. He opens it to see several large gears (The Works). The captain closes the hatch as the whale knocks the ship into the reef. Blake pulls Quinn over the ship’s railing. Blake and Quinn wash onto the reef. Blake refuses to let Quinn leave him, but Quinn confesses that he doesn’t want to escape. Blake almost manages to convince Quinn to stay with him; at the last second, Quinn runs to the next ride: a cave on the reef.