93 pages 3 hours read

Neal Shusterman

Full Tilt

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2003

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Chapters 12-13

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 12 Summary

Blake rescues Quinn from a mummification room by disguising himself as a mummy. They’re nearly caught by Cassandra, but one of her slaves throws salt into her eyes, stopping her. As Blake and Quinn run toward a large pyramid—the next ride—they are joined by several other park slaves, who cheer them on. Quinn reaches the first step of the pyramid, but Blake falls through a trap door in the sand. He falls into The Works, the underground world full of gears and pistons. 

Chapter 13 Summary

In The Works, many past riders are working levers and machines that have fused to their bodies. Maggie and Russ are among them, stuck together on either side of a large pump. Cassandra finds Blake and makes him an offer: If he’ll give up, she will allow him to join her as an equal overseer of the park. Quinn and his friends can stay, too, creating their own rides. Blake nearly agrees, but he remembers that his control will come at the cost of innocent souls.