43 pages 1 hour read

Jerry Spinelli

Fourth Grade Rats

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1992

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Chapters 6-9

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 6 Summary: “Joey Becomes a Man”

While everyone at school appears to forget about the issue of “fourth grade rats,” Joey remains obsessed with it. He changes his style of dress, wears a “No. 1” sweatband, and gives himself a military buzzcut. He also proves himself a real man when he withstands the pain from a bee sting without crying. The entire class witnesses this event—including Judy Billings. Judy coos over Joey and lavishes him with attention, making Suds jealous. Suds feels an acute sense of betrayal when Judy confesses to Joey that she likes him.

Chapter 7 Summary: “Trashing Joey’s Room”

Joey’s total transformation extends to the appearance of his room. One day, Suds and Joey trash Joey’s room, throwing clothes and food all over the floor. After he has upturned every drawer and thrown every possible object on his floor, Joey declares that the room is now truly his. Suds is shocked that Joey, who usually keeps his room so neat, now wants to trash it so thoroughly. When Joey’s mother asks him to clean it, Joey refuses. After a long, glaring stand-off between Joey and his mother, she cheerfully says “Okay!” and walks off. Suds is shocked that Joey has defied his mother seemingly without consequences.