40 pages 1 hour read

Sharon M. Draper

Forged By Fire

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1997

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Chapters 4-6

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 4 Summary

Gerald is distressed when Aunt Queen mentions reuniting with his mother. Aunt Queen tells him that his mother was imprisoned for child abandonment the night of the fire, but she has been out and working for almost a year. Gerald does not want to see his mother and is very upset, but Aunt Queen reassures him that his mother wants to “make up for the past” and has a surprise for him (31).

Aunt Queen tells Gerald to retrieve her sewing machine from the garage. Gerald reluctantly agrees and is surprised to see a new bicycle waiting for him. Aunt Queen saved up money and bought it for him. Gerald rides it around the neighborhood and wonders what his mother’s surprise for him will be. Before bed, Aunt Queen prays. She’s determined to keep Gerald with her and doesn’t want him to live with Monique.

Chapter 5 Summary

Gerald wakes up to voices in the kitchen, but he refuses to get out of bed to see his mother. Aunt Queen tells him that Monique has a couple of surprises for him. Gerald goes to the kitchen and sees his mother, who looks the same, and a tall man wearing cowboy boots named Jordan.