40 pages 1 hour read

Sharon M. Draper

Forged By Fire

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1997

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Chapters 19-21

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 19 Summary

Monique survives the car accident and spends a night at the hospital. Jordan does not visit her, but he is waiting for her when she comes home. In the days after the accident, Angel is very upset and has nightmares. She is worried that Monique will die and that she and Gerald will be left with Jordan, but Gerald reassures her that Monique is healing from her injuries.

Mr. Washington calls to check in on Gerald and Angel. Gerald tells him that though Monique has physically healed, mentally she seems out of it. Monique is addicted to her pain pills, and when her doctor does not prescribe her more, Jordan supplies her with other pills, which make her sit “like a piece of furniture” in front of the TV all day (122). Jordan has been working nights, which allows Gerald and Angel to sleep soundly, but Gerald can tell Jordan is upset, and he fears something will happen.

Chapter 20 Summary

Monique is not getting better and prefers to wash down her pain pills with beer. Gerald and Angel are back in school, but due to a heatwave, it is too hot for basketball and dance classes.