40 pages 1 hour read

Sharon M. Draper

Forged By Fire

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1997

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Chapters 13-15

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 13 Summary

Jordan is put on trial, and Angel and Gerald speak before the jury. Monique is present, but she is still upset with Angel and Gerald for turning Jordan over to the police. Mr. Washington attends the trial, and Gerald is happy to see him.

Gerald speaks first before the jury and shares accounts of Jordan’s abusive behavior. Then, Angel is called to speak, but she is very nervous. She’s given a doll to show how and where Jordan touched her. Jordan is found guilty and is given six to ten years in prison. When Gerald and Angel leave the court room, Monique does not acknowledge them. Mr. Washington takes them out for lunch.

Chapter 14 Summary

It has been six years since the trial. Angel is 12 years old and is interested in dancing. Dancing helps her heal from the painful memories. Monique neglects her children, but Gerald has learned to cook, buy food with food stamps, and wash clothes. He’s now 17 years old and takes care of Angel. Gerald is on the basketball team and has many good friends at Hazelwood High School. Mr. Washington still checks in on Gerald and Angel to make sure they’re okay.