61 pages 2 hours read

Judy Blume


Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1975

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Chapters 6-10

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 6 Summary

On Monday at school, Katherine asks Erica how her date with Artie went and Erica shares that they still have not kissed. Erica says that if Artie does not try to kiss her after his play, then she is going to take matters into her own hands because “I can’t sit around waiting forever” (45).

At Artie’s play, Katherine is impressed with Artie’s performance, noting that he seems “more sure of himself” (45) when onstage. During the performance, Katherine tells Michael that Elizabeth, his former love interest who is also performing, is “very pretty” (45) to show that she is not jealous. After the performance, Katherine is nervous to attend the cast party at Elizabeth’s house. When they arrive, Michael congratulates Elizabeth on her performance and kisses her on the cheek. This angers Katherine, who then avoids Michael for the rest of the party.

Katherine congratulates Artie on his performance, and Artie shares that he hopes to go into acting professionally. When Michael and Erica join them, Michael ignores Katherine. Even though the party is still going, Michael suggests that he take Katherine home, and they are silent on the drive back to Katherine’s house.