61 pages 2 hours read

Judy Blume


Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1975

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Chapters 11-15

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 11 Summary

Throughout March, Katherine and Michael continue spending time together, skiing and attending a Rangers hockey game with Erica and Artie. At dinner afterward, Erica shares that Artie has been accepted to the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, but Artie states that his father will not let him attend because it is not a four-year college. Erica insists that Artie should try to talk his father into letting him attend, and Michael intervenes, barking at Erica to “lay off!” (88) and sending the table into awkward silence. On the way home, Katherine asks Michael if Artie is okay, and Michael insists that Artie just gets overwhelmed sometimes and that he will be fine in a few days. He then changes the subject, stating that while they cannot do anything to help Artie right now, Katherine can do something to help “Ralph.”

Michael calls Katherine that week and tells her he will be going on a week-long ski trip with Sharon and Ike, which means they will not see each other for two weekends. Katherine’s parents go to great lengths to keep her occupied the first weekend Michael is away, and Katherine spends the night with her grandparents in New York City.