48 pages 1 hour read

Ernest Hemingway

For Whom the Bell Tolls

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1940

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Chapters 9-16

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 9 Summary

The Spaniards and Robert watch as the fascist planes return, this time flying low enough to possibly see things on the ground. Once they have passed, Robert and Pilar prepare to see El Sordo, another Republican leader of the area; before they go, she confronts him about Maria, trying to convince him to take Maria with him wherever he goes, despite his insistence that he cannot do that in the midst of the war. He insists that he cannot have distractions from his work.

Agustín returns from watch to keep an eye on Robert’s bags while he and Pilar are gone, and he takes the opportunity to speak with Pilar about the attack on the bridge and the group’s future. He is uneasy after the planes, as many of the men are, and he tells Pilar that although they must blow up the bridge, they must leave the area immediately after. He insists that Pablo, despite becoming a coward, is an intelligent man; he suggests Pilar put Pablo in charge of plans for retreat.