48 pages 1 hour read

Ernest Hemingway

For Whom the Bell Tolls

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1940

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Chapters 17-26

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 17 Summary

Once Pablo leaves, the rest of the group are left to worry over what he might do; Pilar tells Robert that Pablo might do anything, and the others agree that he is dangerous and must be killed. Robert offers to do it. Pablo returns, suddenly agreeable and claiming he has changed his mind and is in support of blowing up the bridge. He claims he is the only one who can guide them to Gredos in the aftermath, and Pilar confirms Robert’s belief that Pablo must have been listening to their conversation about killing him. Agustín, disgusted by Pablo, leaves the cave.

Chapter 18 Summary

Robert writes and draws plans for blowing up the bridge, making the drawings simple so that Anselmo can finish the work if something happens to Robert. Pablo becomes drunk again, but both he and Robert avoid taunting one another. Once his plans are finished, Robert thinks about his original plans following this operation—plans he made before meeting Maria but that he still hopes to follow through on, if he survives. He wishes to have some time off in Madrid, where he can stay in a hotel, reading and dining at a place popular among the Russians who have come to Spain to help fight fascists.