38 pages 1 hour read

Stephen King


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1980

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Chapters 10-12

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 10 Summary: “Endgame”

After improving their testing facilities, the Shop has Charlie start bigger and bigger fires. They are shocked to discover that her capacity for creating larger fires appears limitless. All of this testing gives Charlie practice for controlling her pyrokinesis. She uses her bargaining power and demands to see her father, a request her keeper defers.

At the funeral, Andy pushes Cap to move his transfer flight up, to send Rainbird away, and to escort him and Charlie alone on the flight. Cap agrees, though he is becoming increasingly withdrawn around an echo in his mind regarding snakes and golf clubs. Andy gives Cap a note to pass to Charlie alerting her of his plan and warning her about Rainbird’s intentions. Charlie, upon reading the note, is dismayed about Rainbird. The next time he comes into her room she coldly ignores him. After observing Cap’s increasingly confused state and Charlie’s rebuff, Rainbird hacks into the Shop’s central computer and discovers Andy’s plan.

Chapter 11 Summary: “Firestarter”

On the day of the flight, Cap has all but descended into the echo in his mind. He retrieves Andy and brings him to the stables, where they are to meet Charlie. Charlie is brought to the stables earlier.