111 pages 3 hours read

Sharon M. Draper

Fire from the Rock

Fiction | Book | Middle Grade | Published in 2007

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Chapters 25-27

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 25 Summary: “Friday, August 16, 1957”

Sylvia is listening to records when her mother asks her to go to Zucker’s grocery store and get her some baking supplies. DJ worries about Sylvia walking the two blocks alone after what happened to them during their trip to the library. Sylvia’s mother wants her to hurry because it is getting dark and the grocery store closes early on Fridays. On her way, Sylvia runs into Johnny Crandall in his car. He threatens her and her siblings, but Sylvia keeps walking because she is only one block from the store. Once inside the grocery store, she feels better. She and Rachel greet each other and shop for the items together. Sylvia asks Rachel what the white kids at her school think about integration. Rachel doesn’t think they care at all because they are more concerned with their daily lives and not politics. They are chatting in one of the aisles when a sudden explosion rocks the store. Sylvia gets buried in falling groceries and shelves. She doesn’t know what’s happening. After a second explosion and more falling debris, she sees two pairs of shoes—brown Oxfords, plus a pair of worn-out sneakers Reggie wears—running through the store and smells smoke.