116 pages 3 hours read

M.T. Anderson


Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2002

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Part 4

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 4: “Slumberland”

Part 4, Chapter 1 Summary: “52.9%”

Titus sits in a hospital waiting room. A nurse informs him, “There will be some delays” (165). A woman who is also in the waiting room offers to tell Titus a story, but the nurse tells the woman that Titus is distraught. The nurse reassures Titus that Violet is “pretty functional” (165), and the doctor will tell him more when he comes out. The woman starts to tell a story, and Titus wants to know when the doctor will come and talk to him. The nurse suggests that Titus rest. Titus paces back and forth, listening to his feed and watching other patients being wheeled past him down the hall.

Part 4, Chapter 2 Summary: “87.3%”

Thirty minutes after Titus gets to the hospital, Violet’s father shows up. He doesn’t see Titus at first, and Titus doesn’t stop him as he rushes past. Unconsciously, Titus starts clapping until he starts to get strange looks. After a moment, Violet’s father comes back out, and Titus reintroduces himself. Titus asks if Violet is okay, and he says that she is. Unlike the first time they met, he isn’t using large words and confusing language.