43 pages 1 hour read

Chrétien De Troyes

Erec and Enide

Fiction | Novel/Book in Verse | Adult | Published in 1170

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Chapters 11-14

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 11 Summary: “Guivret the Small”

Erec and Enide come across “a lofty tower, all bounded / by walls” and surrounded by a moat and drawbridge (107). Erec and Enide cross the bridge, drawing attention from “the master of the tower” (108), who quickly descends the tower and orders his attendants to prepare him for battle. The knight then comes to attack Erec and is only seen by Enide, who “turned as pale and white of face / as if she were already dead” when she sees the challenger (109). Enide again grows conflicted about what to do, knowing that if she warns Erec of the attacker then Erec will grow angry with her once again. However, fearing for Erec’s life, she again warns Erec out of turn. While Erec is angry at Enide, he also knows that her repeated disobedience of his orders show that “she loved him more than anything” (110).

Erec turns to face the attacking knight, and both charge at each other with lances, knocking each other off their horses. They draw their swords and attack each other, causing the armor to break and in some places strike against bare flesh. Erec lands a blow so powerful that it causes the other knight’s sword to break.