76 pages 2 hours read

Gabrielle Zevin


Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2005

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Part 2, Chapters 16-20

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2: “The Book of the Dead”

Part 2, Chapter 16 Summary: “Arrivals”

Thandi’s job in Elsewhere involves broadcasting the names of those scheduled to arrive. One day, while looking over the latest list, she notices the name “Emily Welles.” Thandi immediately calls Liz, who in turn tells Owen about it. Regretfully, Owen says that while he does love Liz, he has a prior obligation to Emily. Although Liz is disappointed, she says she understands and assures him that they can remain friends.

After a passionate reunion at the pier, Owen takes Emily home. Almost immediately, she begins sneezing; Owen is skeptical of the idea that her symptoms are a remnant of the flu that killed her, explaining that he now has a dog. Emily hopes that in Elsewhere she’ll no longer be allergic, but as soon as she meets Jen it’s obvious that she is. This makes Jen uncomfortable as well, and Emily—agreeing that Jen has the prior claim—offers to stay somewhere else. Insistent that Emily remain, Owen drops Jen off with Liz, who swallows her own frustration to take care of her. 

Back home, Owen asks Emily to fill him in on what’s happened on Earth. They begin to settle back into life together, although Emily decides to sleep on the couch because of their different schedules.