105 pages 3 hours read

Neal Shusterman, Jarrod Shusterman


Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2018

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Answer Key

Part 1, Chapter 1-Snapshot

Reading Check

Short Answer

1. Kelton’s family are preppers, so when the water runs out, they are ready with a large supply of water, while most other people are desperately searching for water or something to replace it with. (Part 1, Chapter 1: “Alyssa”)

2. Although the federal government is tied up with the emergency response to Hurricane Noah, it does have water trucks on the way to California. (Part 1, Snapshot: “KZLA News”)

Part 1, Chapters 4-6

Reading Check

1. He has a crush on Alyssa. (Part 1, Chapter 4: “Kelton”)

2. Brady (Part 1, Chapter 6: “Kelton”)

Short Answer

1. After Garrett accidentally contaminates the family’s water reserves when he spills Comet into the tub, he is ashamed and afraid of his parents’ reaction. He heads for the house of a friend who owns a giant fish tank, thinking there will be water there. (Part 1, Chapter 5: “Alyssa”)

2. Kelton’s father refuses to help the man, who then tries to break into their home.