55 pages 1 hour read

Stephen King

Doctor Sleep

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2013

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Prologues 1-3

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Prologue 1 Summary: “Lockbox”

This introductory section gives a brief overview of the Overlook Hotel, the Torrance’s winter—recounted in The Shining—and how the hotel burned down. The official record holds Jack Torrance blameless. In fact, the public view celebrates Jack’s heroic effort to save the hotel before the boiler exploded. Wendy and Danny Torrance—Jack’s wife and son—survived, along with Dick Hallorann, the cook who came to help them.

Years later, Wendy has back injuries and has received a small settlement in the aftermath of Jack’s death. In March of 1981, Wendy asks Dick to visit. She says Danny told her not to go in the bathroom but will only explain his reasons to Dick.

In the bathroom, Danny sees the dead woman—Mrs. Massey—who he first encountered in Room 217 at the Overlook. Danny is now eight years old. For years, he has been waiting for something from the Overlook to find him. That’s when he tells his mother to avoid the bathroom. When Wendy investigates, she sees decayed flesh on the toilet and shower curtain.

When Dick visits, Wendy notices that he has dentures, which were necessary after Jack hit him with a croquet mallet. Wendy shows him the bathroom. He tells Danny to talk out loud, not by using his shine.