73 pages 2 hours read

Philip K. Dick

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1968

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Chapters 14-17

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 14 Summary

Roy Baty is the leader of the eight androids Deckard is hunting. He tells Pris that most of their group is dead. Asking Pris about Isidore, he learns that Isidore is human and special but accepts Pris’s claim that he is friendly. Roy recommends that Pris move to Isidore’s house and leave her apartment free for him and Irmgard. Pris is unimpressed by the idea of moving in with a special. Roy sets up an alarm to warn them of any intruders. During this conversation, Isidore notices that the three androids do not communicate like normal people. They talk in a “detached, remote” (89) manner.

Eventually, Isidore realizes that the new arrivals must be androids, which clarifies Pris’s story about being hunted and “all these precautions” (90). Though he knows that they are androids, he is unaware that they killed their human masters during their escape. He does, however, admire their intelligence. He says as much, and Irmgard thanks him for his show of solidarity with the androids. As a special, Isidore knows how it feels to be a member of a marginalized group, just like the androids. Now that Isidore knows the androids’ secret, however, they agree to vote on what they should do about him.