73 pages 2 hours read

Philip K. Dick

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1968

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Chapters 10-13

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 10 Summary

Officer Crams and Deckard arrive at the new Hall of Justice. Deckard is surprised by the apparent existence of “two parallel police agencies” (64). After being accused of murder and impersonating a police officer, he tries to phone Iran but a stranger picks up the call. Deckard is interviewed by Inspector Garland. After listening to Deckard’s claims of being a bounty hunter and inspecting Deckard’s possessions, Garland “nervously” reveals that he is the next name on Deckard’s list. He summons a “tall, fleshless” bounty hunter named Phil Resch. Garland and Resch interrogate Deckard. They know nothing about the Voigt-Kampff test but want to use a test of their own on Deckard. The two interrogators disagree over what should be done with him. Resch believes that his superiors—including Garland—should all be tested in case they are secretly androids. He believes that a police department would be “the best place for an android” (67) to hide. A lab report arrives, confirming that the dead Polokov was, in fact, an android. Resch decides to believe Deckard’s story, and the men agree to test one another. Resch insists that Garland should also be tested.