37 pages 1 hour read

Anne Tyler

Dinner At The Homesick Restaurant

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1982

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Chapters 9-10

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 9 Summary: “Apple Apple”

Aged 46, Ezra discovers “a lump in the bend of his right thigh” (220) and is surprised by his lack of concern regarding death. Pearl is now blind but refuses to admit it; his siblings are away; and the restaurant is “floundering” (220). As every day, Ezra spends the morning with his mother; they sort through a drawer of old photographs. He describes the pictures to Pearl, who seems only to be interested in those in which she is featured. Ezra is bemused by his mother’s teenage diaries, though Pearl is uninterested. Ezra goes to the restaurant. Josiah has already opened for the day and is being pestered by a soy sauce salesman. Occasionally, Josiah receives camping equipment and mysterious gifts from an unnamed donor. At home, Ezra reads to Pearl from her diaries; he finds certain sentences crossed out with the words “apple apple” scribbled over the top. The life described in the diaries is plotless and mundane. Pearl becomes interested in baseball. She and Ezra attend an Orioles game. After a long day, Pearl collapses, and the drunken fans around them gather to help.


That night, Ezra wakes from a nightmare and, unable to sleep, returns to the drawer filled with memories.