55 pages 1 hour read

Rick Riordan

Daughter of the Deep

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2021

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Chapters 58-63

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 58 Summary

Ana tells the Nautilus that she and Gem are headed to the Varuna, but then their suits run out of power. When they find the Varuna, it is pulling away from the dock, and they must jump onto it. The boat seems suspiciously empty, but suddenly Dev surprises Gem and knocks him out. Dev asks Ana if she is going to shoot him, saying “You’re really going to shoot me? Go ahead” (314). They both know Ana will not, and so Dev charges at Ana.

Chapter 59 Summary

Ana and Dev fight even though Dev is older and better trained. Ana tells Dev, “you’ve already lost” (315), but Dev does not believe he is a real traitor. He thinks that HP cause their parents’ deaths and deprived him of his inheritance. Ana responds by saying “the Nautilus isn’t our inheritance…the Nautilus belongs to herself” (317). Ana aims her gun at Dev, who does not believe she will shoot him, but she shoots, only with a non-lethal round. Gem wakes up, and Ana sees Ester on the boat, only to pass out herself.