57 pages 1 hour read

Isabel Allende

Daughter Of Fortune

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1998

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Part 2, Chapters 12-14

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2: “1848-1849”

Chapter 12 Summary: “The Voyage”

On board the ship Emilia, Eliza nearly dies in the dark, foul-smelling storeroom. Tao does not understand why Eliza becomes more ill despite his medicine. He finds a pool of blood beneath Eliza, and she finally confesses that she is pregnant. If Tao had known, he would never have helped her stow away. Tao sees the spirit of his dead wife, Lin, who reminds him that he saved Lin from bleeding to death after childbirth. Lin tells Tao that an early death is not Eliza’s karma (destiny). Eliza’s willingness to suffer on the ship to pursue her lover to California indicates that she has much qi (life force). Lin warns Tao that he must help Eliza survive the voyage or Eliza’s ghost will haunt him forever. Eliza miscarries her unborn baby. Tao changes from viewing Eliza as a business arrangement paid for by her jewelry to admiring “Eliza’s valiant determination” and “the bold love she professed for her lover” (206), reminiscent of Lin.

Tao attends Eliza at night but needs someone to nurse Eliza during the day while he cooks for the crew and passengers. Tao pays Azucena Placeres, a capable Chilean prostitute, to secretly care for Eliza.