68 pages 2 hours read

Mary E. Pearson

Dance of Thieves

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2018

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Chapters 7-12

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 7 Summary: “Jase”

Jase watches Kazi wake and notes six other people in the wagon. Kazi goads the driver with a riddle that she refuses to answer. The driver stops the wagon and jerks Kazi's shoulders, so she palms his keys and slides them under her shirt before insulting him with the answer to the riddle. The driver punches her before returning to his seat. Kazi and Jase unlock their wrist chains with the stolen keys, then Jase gives the keys to the other prisoners instead of unlocking their leg shackles. The two prisoners closest to their guard panic and alert him to the escape. Jase lunges for the keys, but they are kicked out of reach by scattering prisoners. Still ankle-chained to Jase, Kazi alerts him to the driver approaching with an axe; Jase kills the driver. A labor hunter on horseback rides toward Jase with a mace. As Kazi tries to unlock their ankle chain, Jase pushes her under the wagon. They roll down a hill until they stop at a cliff above the river, and Kazi loses the keys in the fall. Jase sees the hunter still coming after them, so they jump in the river.