84 pages 2 hours read

Agatha Christie

Crooked House

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1949

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Exam Answer Key

Multiple Choice

1. D (Various chapters)

2. C (Various chapters)

3. B (Various chapters)

4. A (Various chapters)

5. C (Various chapters)

6. A (Various chapters)

7. C (Various chapters)

8. D (Various chapters)

9. B (Various chapters)

10. A (Various chapters)

11. D (Various chapters)

12. C (Various chapters)

13. B (Various chapters)

14. D (Various chapters)

15. A (Various chapters)

Long Answer

1. Aristides’s love for his family kept them close to him and to one another, and he provided them a very comfortable life full of privilege. But this situation was not entirely healthy for them, as they became too interdependent and felt trapped in roles they had no practical way to escape. (Various chapters)

2. Josephine does not attend school; instead, Aristides has arranged for her to have a tutor, Laurence. Laurence’s romantic relationship with Aristide’s wife, Brenda, is a red herring, because both Brenda and Laurence are innocent. But the fact  that Josephine had a tutor does matter, because Aristides knew that there is something wrong with the child and wants her kept away from other children as much as possible. (Various chapters)