68 pages 2 hours read

Fyodor Dostoevsky

Crime and Punishment

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1866

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Part 5

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 5, Chapters 1-2 Summary

Luzhin considers the unfortunate situation with Dunia until his neighbor Lebeziatnikov comes by. Lebeziatnikov considers himself an intellectual, so the men discuss the political situation in Russia. Eventually, their conversation turns to more immediate matters. Luzhin tells Lebeziatnikov about Sonia, whom he wishes to meet—but only in Lebeziatnikov’s presence. They summon the young woman and Luzhin questions her about her family while Lebeziatnikov watches. Katerina Ivanovna is of particular concern to Luzhin, as she has told people that Luzhin will pull strings with the government to find her a small widow’s pension because he knew her father. Luzhin has no desire to do this, but instead promises to set up a charity fund for the family. He begins by giving Sonia ten rubles.

Following Marmeladov’s funeral, his family hosts a wake in their small apartment. Katerina cannot afford even a modest gathering, but she insists on inviting as many people as possible. She even invites people whom she dislikes or does not know, including her landlord and Luzhin. Many of the people she invited do not turn up, including her more respectable or influential neighbors. She blames her landlord and takes on an air of disdainful haughtiness. Sonia and Raskolnikov stay quiet.