87 pages 2 hours read

Neil Gaiman


Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2002

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Chapters 8-10

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 8 Summary

The other mother, looking healthier than ever, retrieves a sleeping Coraline from the mirror room. Coraline wakes at the kitchen table. The other mother speaks of mercy and of being a happy family together. Coraline mentions the other children in the closet, but the other mother is dismissive. She makes Coraline a cheese omelette and tells her that ghosts are not real. Coraline’s mouth waters.

Coraline suggests they play a game so the other mother can win her fairly. Coraline offers to give herself to the other mother if the other mother wins. If Coraline wins, the other mother must free Coraline, her parents, and the dead children. They decide on an exploring game where Coraline must find the souls of the dead children as well as her parents to win. The other mother agrees and serves Coraline the food, adding that this food won’t hurt her. Coraline gives in and eats before starting the game. Coraline asks how she can trust the other mother, so the other mother swears on her right hand.

Coraline looks around for the souls but doesn’t know what she’s looking for. The other mother disappears while Coraline looks, which makes Coraline uneasy.