97 pages 3 hours read

Joseph Bruchac

Code Talker

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2005

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Chapters 13-16

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 13 Summary: “Shipping Out to Hawaii”

While the code talkers are training at Camp Elliott, the war rages on. The US military, under the leadership of Admiral Nimitz, is involved in efforts to secure Guadalcanal and the Solomon Islands. At first, it’s assumed the mission will be easy, but the Japanese forces are stronger than expected. Ned learns that he’ll be sent to Hawaii under the command of Admiral Halsey. He’s eager to see exotic foreign places that he’s only read about, but this moment foreshadows a change in perspective: “Little did I know how many of those tropical islands would become all too familiar to me in the two years that lay ahead. And most of them would be the opposite of paradise during my stay” (86).

Ned and the other Navajo soldiers are excited to join the fight and speculate about how they’ll rise through the ranks. Ned reveals in the narration that no Navajo was ever promoted above the rank of corporal, adding that Navajos “were kept invisible” (87).

Though Ned is eager to ship out, he’s also apprehensive about traversing the immense Pacific Ocean. He reflects that young Navajos are warned to stay away from deep water, for fear of sea

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